I need to reduce the tx scope for performance reasons. for example
reactiveMongoTemplate.inTransaction().execute(rmo -> methodInTx(rmo, trade))
save(a) not participates the tx
ReactiveMongoTemplate.inTransaction() is deprecated since 2.2.
I had tried TransactionalOperator, it doesn't seem to support scoped transaction
mongo.save(a, A.class)
.flatMap(aa -> {
aa.value = 1;
return mongo.save(aa);
.flatMap(aa -> {
aa.value = 2;
return txMongo.save(aa).map(aaa -> {
if (true) throw new RuntimeException();
return aaa;
.doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()).subscribe();
I want value is set to 1, only 2 rolls back. But it seems transationalOperater started a transaction from the very beginning, mongo with session synchronization ON_ACTUAL_TRANSACTION also participates the transaction. How can I limit tx scope?
I turned out I should call transactionalOperator another way