How to land or navigate to previous activity if click on back button

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In My application i have implemented Notification. My Problem is if I click on received Notification it will redirect to the Activity which I have given there if I click on inbuilt Back button It will closing the application and going out. What I need is if I click on Back button, it should land to previous Activity how to set that. Ex: If we got Facebook notifications if we click on that it will redirect to comment are like page, there if we click on back button it will redirect to Facebook main form.


There are 3 answers

Khushal Chouhan On BEST ANSWER

You need to override onBackPressed method:

public void onBackPressed();
 Intent i = new Intent(this, PreviousActivity.class);

If you are using eclipse, then right click on editor>>source>>override/implement method.

Raman On

call function onBackPressed()

public void onClick() {
Ionut Negru On

You can make use of the parent activity which will be set in your manifest like this:


    <!-- Parent activity meta-data to support 4.0 and lower -->

After this in your code, override the onBackPressed() method and do this:


This method to navigate should be used only if your app is the owner of the current task, otherwise this method should be used:

Intent upIntent = NavUtils.getParentActivityIntent(this);
if (NavUtils.shouldUpRecreateTask(this, upIntent)) {
    // This activity is NOT part of this app's task, so create a new task
    // when navigating up, with a synthesized back stack.
            // Add all of this activity's parents to the back stack
            // Navigate up to the closest parent
} else {
    // This activity is part of this app's task, so simply
    // navigate up to the logical parent activity.
    NavUtils.navigateUpTo(this, upIntent);