I've successfully completed a number of MySQL JSON Document Store-esque type queries, but now I am at a point where I have a very complex query that is beyond my scope of expertise. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Goal: To create a json feed from MySQL that will allow this navigation-tree to be rendered:
Steps to produce:
Install this SQL script: https://implerus.com/st_overflow/profile.sql
And then install this SQL script: https://implerus.com/st_overflow/oscal_rev5.sql
This will create 2 tables: "profiles", and "oscal_rev5" with json data being placed in the "json_data" column of each table.
Now if you want a quick look at what json data is being pulled in to those json_data columns, here's the data:
So, here's the goal:
- Write a mySQL JSON query that pulls in the "control-id"'s from the profile (json_data) table. It should return "ac-1", "ac-2", "ac-3", "ac-6.7", "ac-6.9", "ac-7", etc.
I can show you a query that I'd think should work, but doesn't:
SELECT control.controlid FROM profiles, JSON_TABLE(json_data, '$.profile.imports.include."id-selectors[*]"' COLUMNS (controlid VARCHAR(10) PATH '$."control-id"')) control
I get no results back from that and I don't know why. I suspect it has something to do with the pathing and the double-quotes with the hyphens, but from what I've read, that is how you are supposed to support queries with hyphens.
- Then, somehow left-join those entries with the oscal_rev5 json_data to retrieve all the titles for the "ac-1", "ac-2", "ac-3", "ac-6.7" etc values and return data as json so that (in this case ReactJS) will be able to draw that nav-tree above as a Bootstrap Accordion. So the query should return the level 1 parts of the nav ("Access Control", "Awareness and Training", "Audit and Accountibility", etc, along with their "child" nodes that originate from step 1 above.
I do have a working query that retrieves the "parent node" list:
SELECT grouplist.id, grouplist.title FROM oscal_rev5, JSON_TABLE(json_data, '$.catalog.groups[*]' COLUMNS (id VARCHAR(140) PATH '$.id',class VARCHAR(20) PATH '$.class',title VARCHAR(80) PATH '$.title')) grouplist
And I have a failed attempt at returning the sub-parent controls list:
SELECT grouplist.id, grouplist.title FROM oscal_rev5, JSON_TABLE(json_data, '$.catalog.groups.controls[*]' COLUMNS (id VARCHAR(140) PATH '$.id',class VARCHAR(20) PATH '$.class',title VARCHAR(80) PATH '$.title')) grouplist
Returns nothing, and I don't know why. You'd think that just bumping down a node in the path would work to get id, class, title data with "$.catalog.groups.controls[*]" but it fails with no error.
Notice in the OSCAL data that "groups"->"controls"->"id": "ac-1" has a title of "Policy and Procedures". And then notice that "groups"->"controls"->"id": "ac-2" has a title of "Account Management". And notice that "groups"->"controls"->"id": "ac-6.7" has a title of "Review of User Privilages". That's all good data to return for level 2 of the nav-tree.
And since all those "ac-1", "ac-2", "ac-6.7" etc entries all start with "ac", then they all need to wrap under the "parent" "ac" node - - - and that node, according to the same oscal json data has a title called "Access Control". Likewise, all the returned values from step one that begin with "at" would need to fall under the "Awareness and Training" parent in the results.
- Then, somehow count() all the subnav elements in the nav-tree that fall under "Access Control", "Awareness and Training", "Audit and Accountibility", etc and provide that data within the mySQL results.
So, the big question is - - - is there a way to combine all 3 steps into one mySQL JSON query and get 1 set of results back that distinguishes between the parent-nav-nodes and their children so that it can later be output as JSON and used to drive the nav-tree UI.