I wanted to try uploading a series of items to test.wikidata, creating the item and then adding a statement of inception P571. The csv file sometimes has a date value, sometimes not. When no date value is given, I want to write out a placeholder 'some value'.
Imagine a dataframe like this:
df = {'Object': [1, 2,3], 'Date': [250,,300]}
However, I am not sure using Pywikibot how to iterate over a csv file with pywikibot to create an item for each row and add a statement. Here is the code I wrote:
import pywikibot
import pandas as pd
site = pywikibot.Site("test", "wikidata")
repo = site.data_repository()
df = pd.read_csv('experiment.csv')
item = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo)
for item in df:
date = df['date']
prop_date = pywikibot.Claim(repo, u'P571')
if date=='':
target = pywikibot.WbTime(year=date)
When I run this through PAWS, I get the message: KeyError: 'date'
But I think the real issue here is that I am not sure how to get Pywikibot to iterate over each row of the dataframe and create a new claim for each new date value. I would value any feedback or suggestions for good examples and documentation. Many thanks!
Looking back on this, the solution was to use .iterrows() or .itertuples() or .loc[] to access the values in the row.