I'm working on a Flutter app and I need to integrate the PhonePe payment gateway into it. Unfortunately, there is no official Flutter plugin available for PhonePe. However, PhonePe does provide an Android SDK for integrating their payment gateway.
I've gone through the PhonePe documentation (link provided below) and I'm looking for guidance on how to integrate the PhonePe payment gateway Android SDK in my Flutter app.*** I'm open to both solutions that involve writing native Android code and those that don't require native code.***
PhonePe Documentation: [https://developer.phonepe.com/v1/docs/android-pg-sdk-integration]
Ideally, I would like to find a tutorial or step-by-step instructions that explain the integration process in an easy-to-follow manner. If there are existing Flutter plugins or packages that can simplify this integration, please let me know.
Any help, code snippets, or references to existing resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I have successfully implemented a PhonePe checkout process using a WebView and a Node.js backend to create the checkout link. However, I now require a more robust UI to display the checkout process within my Flutter app. To achieve this, I need to integrate the PhonePe payment gateway Android SDK.
Implement PhonePe Payment Gateway to the native side and call it from the flutter side. You will need method channels and event channels for it to communicate between the native and flutter sides. Read more here https://docs.flutter.dev/platform-integration/platform-channels