I'm trying to import Imebra into a basic swift 5 command line project using Xcode 12. I followed the official steps but I failed. I can summarise the whole structure:
The structure of the project is just
├── main.swift
├── Data
└── DX_0.dcm
├── Imebra
└── CMakeLists.txt
└── docs
└── examples
└── library
└── test
└── wrappers
└── build_imebra_macos
The main swift file is
// main.swift
import Foundation
print("Hello, Imebra!")
do {
let pDataSet = try ImebraCodecFactory.load(fromFile: "PathToDicomFileFromExecutable")
let pImage = try pDataSet.getImageApplyModalityTransform(0)
print("The image width is", pImage.width)
} catch {
Following the documentation, I compile the library by going to the build_imebra_macos
folder and running
build_imebra_macos % cmake -GXcode -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
build_imebra_macos % cmake --build . --config Release
The build is successful and the new folder Release has the dynamic library. Now in Xcode project of the CL Swift application, SwiftyImebra.xcodeproj, I followed the next instruction "open the target Build Settings and under “Swift Compiler/ObjectiveC Bridging Header” specify the path to imebra_location/wrappers/objectivec/include/imebraobjc/imebra.h.”, with Imebra_location changed to Imebra.
Then when I build I get the error
Showing All Messages
Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_ImebraCodecFactory
I'm new in Swift and I guess I need to specify somewhere in Xcode where the source or the dynamic library is. However, I am not sure about this either as we have generated a cpp dynamic library so this can only interact with objective-C (?). I apologise if this is a basic question...
In addition, I'd like to learn how to use Imebra as a static library with swift.
The imebra dynamic library must be added to the project.
Drag the imebra.dylib (generated into your build folder build_imebra_macos) into your project.
Additionally, specify the folder containing the dylib into the "Library search path" in the compiler options.