How to integrate Foxit PDF Reader in Android?

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I have followed these steps in order to compile the Foxit library:

1) Download and install the Eclipse IDE (, the Android SDK, ADT plugin for Eclipse, and the Android NDK (
a) For Windows use, also download and install Cygwin ( During Cygwin setup, make sure to include the “Devel -> make” package.
2) Download the Foxit embedded SDK Package.
3) Extract the Foxit embedded SDK Package to any directory.
4) Place the Foxit embedded SDK library and header files in fpdfemb_android/examples/demos/bin and include directory.
5) Build the NDK layer.
a) Open the makefile in fpdfemb_android/examples/demos/demo(like “demo_view”)/jni/ in a text editor and fill in the Foxit library name in the area designated for LOCAL_LDLIBS, dropping the lib prefix:
The demo is shipped as:
LOCAL_LDLIBS +=../bin/# fill in library name here
To add downloaded libfoxit.a from step 2, fill in as:
LOCAL_LDLIBS :=../bin/libfoxit.a
If the library provide is not named “libfoxit.a” please adjust accordingly.
b) Open Cygwin (Windows), or a terminal (Linux based), and navigate to the fpdfemb_android/examples/demos/demo(like “demo_view”) directory. Run “ndk-build –B” to build the NDK/JNI layer.
me@myStation /myProjectPath/ > ndk-build –B
This assumes that the ndk directory is part of the $PATH environment variable. The command can also be qualified with the path to the NDK directory.

But then I'm getting this error in the terminal:

Android NDK: WARNING:jni/ non-system libraries in linker flags: jni/../../bin/libfoxit.a
Android NDK: This is likely to result in incorrect builds. Try using LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES
Android NDK: or LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES instead to list the library dependencies of the
Android NDK: current module
make: * No rule to make target `–B'. Stop.

Could you please tell me if there is any way to resolve this?

Thank you.


There are 1 answers

Rowan On

I recommend trying Foxit's new MobilePDF SDK for Android which will provide most of the functionality found in the embedded PDF SDK that you've previously tried but it includes a user interface and can be integrated into your Android projects quickly.

This SDK replaces Foxit's embedded SDK.