I'd like to integrate a map plot on my R shiny dashboard. The code for the map is this :
df <- hatecrime %>% count(State) %>% rename(state = State)
plot_usmap(data = df, values = "n", color = "red") +
scale_fill_continuous(name = "Hatecrimes", label = scales::comma) +
theme(legend.position = "right")
In the body I want to use a tabPanel:
tabPanel("Map", plotOutput("usplot", height = 300))
But I don't know how to link the map to the server. Can someone help me out ?
You can put your call to the plot_usmap directly within the renderPlot() call on the server-side, or you can have a function that returns the plot, and call that function from within the renderPlot
Example of the latter:
On the server-side, you can call your plotting function from within renderPlot