I am implementing a 2c2p payment api in custom drupal module.The error is showing like
9002 : Payment authorization failed.
in the url
and here is my a few code to submit.
$controller_data = $payment->method->controller_data;
// Get settings from controller data.
$merchant_id = $controller_data['msp_2c2p_id'];
$secret_key = $controller_data['msp_2c2p_secret'];
$url = $controller_data['msp_2c2p_mode'];
$version = $controller_data['msp_2c2p_version'];
$version = '6.7';
$payment_description = 'test payment';
$order_id = '00000000010000091203';
$invoice_no = $payment->pid;
$currency = '840'; //840 = USD, 104 = MMK
$customer_email = '[email protected]';
$pay_category_id = ''; // (Optional) Merchant’s predefined payment category code for reporting purpose. Merchant can manage predefined codes from the my.2c2p interface, section merchant report. ACCOUNT => Options => Predefined References Use PAYCATEGORYID value from “Ref Code” column to show “Reference Name” in the homepage sales volume graph.
$promotion = 'PROMO_VC';
$user_defined_1 = 'test1';
$user_defined_2 = 'test2';
$user_defined_3 = 'test3';
$user_defined_4 = 'test4';
$user_defined_5 = 'test5';
$result_url_1 = url(MSP_2C2P_PAYMENT_RETURN_PATH
. '/' . $payment->pid, array('absolute' => TRUE));
. '/' . $payment->pid, array('absolute' => TRUE));
$enable_store_card = 'N';
$stored_card_unique_id = '';//(Optional) Mandatory when payment is made by stored card
$pan_masked = '';
$request_3ds = 'Y'; //(Optional) Y – Do 3ds (default) F – Force 3ds (Only ECI 02 / 05 are accepted) N - Do not do 3ds
$recurring = 'N'; //(Optional) N – Not recurring (default) Y – Recurring transaction
$order_prefix = ''; //Note: if it is recurring payment, it is mandatory.
$recurring_amount = '000000199900'; //Example: THB (764)
$allow_accumulate = 'N'; //N – Not allow Y – Allow accumulate Note: if it is recurring payment, it is mandatory.
$max_accumulate_amount = '000000199900';//Note: if it is recurring payment, it is mandatory.
$recurring_interval = ''; //Note: If it is recurring payment, it is mandatory if charge_on_date is blank.
$recurring_count = ''; //Note: If it is recurring payment, it is mandatory
$charge_next_date = ''; //Note: If it is recurring payment, it is mandatory
$charge_on_date = ''; //Note: If it is recurring payment, either charge_on_date or recurring_interval is mandatory
$payment_option = 'A'; //By default, all available options (A) will be shown.
$ipp_interest_type = 'A'; //By default, all available options (A) will be shown
$payment_expiry = ''; //By default, 1-2-3 system will set the expiry according to merchant configuration.
$default_lang = 'en'; //ja – Japanese th – Thailand en – English (default)
$statement_descriptor = 'A23'; //Only allows alphanumeric in latin character
* Calculate amount to pay.
$amount = 0;
foreach ($payment->line_items as $line_item) {
$amount += (1 + $line_item->tax_rate) * $line_item->amount
* $line_item->quantity;
$payment_data = array(
//'amount' => $amount,
'amount' => '000000000100',
'description' => $payment->description,
$amount = $payment_data['amount'];
$strSignatureString = $version . $merchant_id . $payment_description . $order_id . $invoice_no . $currency . $amount . $customer_email . $pay_category_id . $promotion . $user_defined_1 . $user_defined_2 . $user_defined_3 . $user_defined_4 . $user_defined_5 . $result_url_1 . $result_url_2 . $enable_store_card . $stored_card_unique_id . $pan_masked . $request_3ds . $recurring . $order_prefix . $recurring_amount . $allow_accumulate . $max_accumulate_amount . $recurring_interval . $recurring_count . $charge_next_date . $charge_on_date . $payment_option . $ipp_interest_type . $payment_expiry . $default_lang . $statement_descriptor;
$data = array(
'version' => $version,
'merchant_id' => $merchant_id,
'payment_description' =>$payment_description,
'order_id' => $order_id,
'invoice_no' => $invoice_no,
'currency' => $currency,
'amount' => $amount,
'customer_email' => $customer_email,
'pay_category_id' => $pay_category_id,
'promotion' => $promotion,
'user_defined_1' => $user_defined_1,
'user_defined_2' => $user_defined_2,
'user_defined_3' => $user_defined_3,
'user_defined_4' => $user_defined_4,
'user_defined_5' => $user_defined_5,
'result_url_1' => $result_url_1,
'result_url_2' => $result_url_2,
'enable_store_card' => $enable_store_card,
'stored_card_unique_id' => $stored_card_unique_id,
'pan_masked' => $pan_masked,
'request_3ds' => $request_3ds,
'recurring' => $recurring,
'order_prefix' => $order_prefix,
'recurring_amount' => $recurring_amount,
'allow_accumulate' => $allow_accumulate,
'max_accumulate_amount' => $max_accumulate_amount,
'recurring_interval' => $recurring_interval,
'recurring_count' => $recurring_count,
'charge_next_date' => $charge_next_date,
'charge_on_date' => $charge_on_date,
'payment_option' => $payment_option,
'ipp_interest_type' => $ipp_interest_type,
'payment_expiry' => $payment_expiry,
'default_lang' => $default_lang,
'statement_descriptor' => $statement_descriptor,
'hash_value' => strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha1', $strSignatureString, $secret_key, false)),
$form['#action'] = $url;
//$form['#action'] = 'http://msp_2c2p.dd:8083/2c2ptest.php';
foreach($data as $name => $value) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$form[$name] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $value);
$form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
$form['actions']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Pay with 2c2p'),
return $form;
Is there any wrong in my codes?We are following these link 2c2p developer doc and doc2 Thanks in advance.
9002 is the hash value mismatch.
Please check the
.Please check at https://developer.2c2p.com/docs/payment-request-dir