I am trying to install python 3.5 in a chef recipe. I tried using the poise-python cookbook. After reading the documentation. I tried the following command, but it doesn't install python 3.5. It installs python2.7
python_runtime 'python3' do
version '3.5'
The output
* python_runtime[python3] action install
* poise_languages_scl[rh-python35] action install
* yum_package[centos-release-scl-rh] action upgrade
- upgrade package centos-release-scl-rh from uninstalled to 2-2.el7.centos
* ruby_block[flush_yum_cache] action run
- execute the ruby block flush_yum_cache
* yum_package[rh-python35] action install
- install version 2.0-2.el7 of package rh-python35
* yum_package[rh-python35-python-devel] action install (up to date)
* python_runtime_pip[python3] action install (up to date)
* python_package[setuptools] action install (up to date)
* python_package[wheel] action install
- install version 0.29.0 of package wheel
Any help would be appreciated. I can go the route of using execute to run the install commands but would prefer to use a cookbook.
As you can see in the log, it is installing 3.5 via the SCL packages. I'm guessing you are thinking it is 2.7 because you're running
/usr/bin/python -v
manually afterwards. That is not how you use SCL packages, runscl enable rh-python35 "python -v"
and you'll see 3.5. The cookbook does this for you internally.