I installed the latest Postgre.app version Version 2.5.6 (139) Universal version for my new MacBook Pro M1. After setting up the CLI tools, I am able to access all gdal binaries that come bundled like gdalinfo
However I also need to install the python bindings to use cli utilities like gdal2tiles.py
. What's the right way to go about installing these so they work with the rest of gdal bundled with latest Postgress.app?
Current version bundled with Postgres.app is
➜ gdalinfo --version
GDAL 3.3.3, released 2021/10/25
Postgres.app installs GDAL binaries at:
and currently has the following bundled:
clusterdb ecpg gdal_translate gdalinfo gdaltindex invproj pg_amcheck pg_ctl pg_resetwal pg_verifybackup proj vacuumdb
createdb gdal-config gdal_viewshed gdallocationinfo gdaltransform nearblack pg_archivecleanup pg_dump pg_restore pg_waldump psql vacuumlo
createuser gdal_contour gdaladdo gdalmanage gdalwarp ogr2ogr pg_basebackup pg_dumpall pg_rewind pgbench raster2pgsql
cs2cs gdal_create gdalbuildvrt gdalmdiminfo geod ogrinfo pg_checksums pg_isready pg_test_fsync pgsql2shp reindexdb
dropdb gdal_grid gdaldem gdalmdimtranslate initdb ogrtindex pg_config pg_receivewal pg_test_timing postgres shp2pgsql
dropuser gdal_rasterize gdalenhance gdalsrsinfo invgeod oid2name pg_controldata pg_recvlogical pg_upgrade postmaster testepsg
I realize there are plenty of ways to install gdal with python bindings using brew and pip, but I am looking to do this the right way while utilizing the core gdal that comes with Postgres.app
Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
Use pygdal, it is made for this exact purpose.