How to install *.app file to real device by script?

774 views Asked by At
  1. Get device list

xcrun xctrace list devices

=> 'Simson’s iPhone 11 (14.4.2) (00008030-00122CD62291802E)'

  1. Install app file

xcrun simctl install 00008030-00122CD62291802E app/ios/

Then I get error:

  stderr: 'Invalid device: 00008020-00151D0101A1002E'
  code: 148


Other simulator device

iPhone 11 (14.2) (8C7A8554-23D2-4E89-BC42-99A87D550067)
iPhone 11 Pro (14.2) (BE017979-0F60-4C0E-A203-B94951969071)

If I replace 00008020-00151D0101A1002E by 8C7A8554-23D2-4E89-BC42-99A87D550067 or BE017979-0F60-4C0E-A203-B94951969071 will work.

Please help.


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