I have a small hierarchy of classes in my Ruby on Rails application. I have tried to add a concern with supports describing the classes with some information that I would like to be inherited by the child classes. The problem can be illustrated with this small sample:
module Translatable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
module ClassMethods
def add_translatable_fields(field_and_types)
@translatable_fields ||= {}
@translatable_fields.merge! field_and_types
def translatable_fields
class Item
include Translatable
add_translatable_fields({name: :string})
class ChildItem < Item
class AnotherItem < Item
add_translatable_fields({description: :text})
puts "Item => #{Item.translatable_fields.inspect}"
puts "ChildItem => #{ChildItem.translatable_fields.inspect}"
puts "AnotherItem => #{AnotherItem.translatable_fields.inspect}"
I would have like this sample code to return
Item => {name: :string}
ChildItem => {name: :string}
AnotherItem => {name: :string, description: :text}
But unfortunately the ChildItem and AnotherItem does not add the class "properties" set on the parent class and it instead returns
Item => {name: :string}
ChildItem => nil
AnotherItem => {description: :text}
How can I make the class inheritence work the way I want it to?
It looks like the child classes are inheriting correctly from the parent, but the issue is the class variables.
I'll bet you could do
But I just learned about these Rails helpers, and it seems more like what you're looking for.
You could define the
in the included block and it should inherit to all the children the way you want it to.