How to increase the running time of send_action in pyTelegramBotApi?

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How I would like to do: the action is dispatched, how it ends file is sent. But it turns out that the action lasts 5 seconds, and then it takes another 5 seconds to send the file, and this time the user does not understand whether the bot is frozen or the file is still being sent. How can I increase the duration of action before sending the file directly?

import telebot
def send_file(m: Message, file):
    bot.send_chat_action(, action='upload_document')
    bot.send_document(, file)

There are 2 answers


As Tibebes. M said this is not possible because all actions are sent via API. But threads helped me to solve the problem. The solution looks like this:

from threading import Thread
def send_action(id, ac):
    bot.send_chat_action(id, action=ac)

def send_doc(id, f):
    bot.send_document(id, f)

def send_file(m: Message):
    file = open(...)
    Thread(target=send_action, args=(, 'upload_document')).start()
    Thread(target=send_doc, args=(, file)).start()

Thus, it is possible to make it so that as soon as the action ends, the file is immediately sent without time gaps

Konard On

In case async version of these function is used we should do something like this:

async def keep_typing_while(chat_id, func):
    cancel = { 'cancel': False }

    async def keep_typing():
        while not cancel['cancel']:
            await bot.send_chat_action(chat_id, 'typing')
            await asyncio.sleep(5)

    async def executor():
        await func()
        cancel['cancel'] = True

    await asyncio.gather(

And call it like this:

answer = {}

async def openai_caller():
    local_answer = await get_openai_completion(user_context.get_messages())
    answer['role'] = local_answer['role']
    answer['content'] = local_answer['content']

await keep_typing_while(, openai_caller)