How to Include generated App Manifest in MSIX file in Windows Application Packaging Project

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I am writing a VB.NET Windows Forms application that needs to be deployed with a package identity so I am generating MSIX files for it. I would like the application to be high-DPI enabled, so I set the needed key in app.manifest. When building the application and running it without the MSIX packaging, the high-DPI support works fine. When building and running the MSIX packaging through a Windows Application Packaging Project, high-DPI support does not work. (I have previously tried specifying high DPI support in app.config, but apparently that disables visual styles for VB.NET applications, and I would rather not disable application framework to try and fix the issue.)

It appears that the generated app manifest file is not included in the MSIX file. How can I include this file.

Contents of my debug build directory without MSIX packaging:

10/14/2020  05:27 PM    <DIR>          .
10/14/2020  05:27 PM    <DIR>          ..
10/14/2020  05:27 PM    <DIR>          app.publish
03/19/2019  12:46 AM           160,160 System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.dll
03/19/2019  12:46 AM            72,096 System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.UI.Xaml.dll
10/22/2018  08:48 PM            24,064 Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract.winmd
10/22/2018  08:48 PM         5,612,032 Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract.winmd
08/09/2018  05:44 PM           174,080 windows.winmd
10/14/2020  05:27 PM             1,899 MyApp.application
10/14/2020  05:21 PM            24,064 MyApp.exe
10/13/2020  03:31 PM               369 MyApp.exe.config
10/14/2020  05:27 PM             6,371 MyApp.exe.manifest
10/14/2020  05:21 PM            54,784 MyApp.pdb
10/14/2020  05:21 PM               727 MyApp.xml
              11 File(s)      6,130,646 bytes
               3 Dir(s)   7,844,708,352 bytes free

Contents of my debug build directory with MSIX packaging:

10/14/2020  05:16 PM    <DIR>          .
10/14/2020  05:16 PM    <DIR>          ..
03/19/2019  12:46 AM           160,160 System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.dll
03/19/2019  12:46 AM            72,096 System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.UI.Xaml.dll
10/14/2020  05:16 PM            24,064 MyApp.exe
10/13/2020  03:31 PM               369 MyApp.exe.config
10/14/2020  05:16 PM            54,784 MyApp.pdb
               5 File(s)        311,473 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   7,842,045,952 bytes free

MyApp.exe.manifest does not seem to be included in the MSIX package, and I would like to include it. How would I do so in a Windows Application Packaging Project?

Visual Studio 2019 Community 16.7.6, .NET Framework 4.8, Windows 10 version 1909.



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