I tried to include files in my Qt program (for symbian) and ran it via the emulator. No files were exported. The code I've been using in my QMake file is:
symbian {
TARGET.UID3 = 0xe22a34fe
TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 0x020000 0x800000
addFiles.sources = 01.jpg 02.jpg 03.jpg
addFiles.path = .
DEPLOYMENT += addFiles
03.jpg \
02.jpg \
As such, a call to QDir::entryInfoList() will reveal no files:
QDir dir = QDir::current();
dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoSymLinks);
QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();
// list is empty.
Am I missing something in the .pro file?
When you deploy these files, where are you expecting them to be placed?
to me is indeterminate - the is no 'current' directory when the files are deployed.
Provide a path you know exists. I've certainly used the app private directory for this purpose:
...then you can get the directory of your files with
If you are running on the emulator, also check if the files are deployed. If you are using the 'real' Symbian emulator (rather than the rather horrible QT version), you'll find the file system under epoc32\winscw