How to improve RCP application start times

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Migrating our RCP application from Eclipse 3.7 to e4 resulted in significant startup time degradation. It went from 3 seconds on Eclipse 3.7 up to 17 seconds on latest 4.6.1 target platform.

Two visible bottle necks are the activation of org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme and bundles.

I was wondering if there is anything we can do to improve this? I don't use any themes and don't need any support for the help system.

During the startup my application hangs for about 10 seconds doing this:

Finding activator for org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme_0.10.100.v20160523-0836 [832]
Finding activator for org.eclipse.help_3.7.0.v20160602-1307 [915]

Unfortunately, it's not possible to remove them from dependencies. But is there any way to at least lazy load, postpone, fake, ignore, etc.. their activation?


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