I'm trying to check if it's possible to use canvas library inside Paint Worklet. I've tried to test if I can use paper.js. The problem is that I can't load the library in worklet, global script that don't give access to the library and importScripts from web woker don't work.
Is it possible to use libraries inside paint Worklet?
It seems that the only thing I need to use paper.js with PaintAPI is to mock CanvasProvider object that return paint worklet context instead of canvas.getContext('2D');
. The problem is that I can use self like in worker and I don't have access to paper object.
I have code like this:
CSS.paintWorklet.addModule(blobify(function() {
class Circle {
static get inputProperties() {
return ['--pointer-x', '--pointer-y', '--pointer-options'];
paint(context, geom, properties) {
self.CanvasProvider = {
getContext: function() {
return context;
var x = properties.get('--pointer-x').value || 0;
var y = properties.get('--pointer-y').value || 0;
const prop = properties.get('--pointer-options');
const {
} = Object.assign({
color: 'white',
background: 'black',
width: 10
}, JSON.parse(prop.toString()));
context.fillStyle = color;
//console.log({x,y, color, background, width})
context.arc(x, y, Math.floor(width / 2), 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
registerPaint('circle', Circle);
not working code is commented out, you can try to play with this on CodePen.
Worklets are all module scripts, so you can simply
your library from your script.