Here is my code, I want to write a Interceptor which could receive some roles (Array<String>), but I have trouble accepting parameters
import jakarta.annotation.Priority
import jakarta.interceptor.AroundInvoke
import jakarta.interceptor.Interceptor
import jakarta.interceptor.InterceptorBinding
import jakarta.interceptor.InvocationContext
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.CLASS)
annotation class RolesRequired( val rolesRequired: Array<String>)
@RolesRequired(["role1", "role2"])
@Priority(Interceptor.Priority.PLATFORM_BEFORE + 1)
class RolesRequiredInterceptor(
private val header: HttpHeaders
) {
fun intercept(context: InvocationContext): Any? {
val rolesRequired = this.javaClass.getAnnotation(
println("[roles]: ${rolesRequired.size}")
// TODO check roles
return context.proceed()
What puzzles me is the @RolesRequired(["role1", "role2"])
line, if I write this line, then this annotation @RolesRequired
would not work unless it's param is ["role1", "role2"]
, it seems that the value of the param rolesRequired
defined at RolesRequiredInterceptor
is the only value that can let this annotation RolesRequired
I've tried to remove @RolesRequired(["role1", "role2"]) from the class RolesRequiredInterceptor
but was told by IDE that "@Interceptor must specify at least one interceptor binding". And param rolesRequired
seems to be necessary when define class RolesRequiredInterceptor
In the following cases, interceptor @RolesRequired
seems not executed, quarkus prints noting about that when I call login()
@RolesRequired(rolesRequired = ["role1"])
fun login(input: LoginData): LoginResponse {...}
@RolesRequired(rolesRequired = ["role2"])
fun login(input: LoginData): LoginResponse {...}
@RolesRequired(rolesRequired = ["role2", "role1"])
fun login(input: LoginData): LoginResponse {...}
only in this case, quarkus prints
[roles]: 2
@RolesRequired(rolesRequired = ["role1", "role2"])
fun login(input: LoginData): LoginResponse {...}
Try this tell me if it works