I am a trying to two divs (that use stringElements) on the page that share the same class in typed.js, so far only the first occurence gets working.
Here, It is possible with 2 different function with different class. but, I want to it with single function with same class.
Here show you what i'm trying to do. https://jsfiddle.net/xbofduaz/
What would be the proper way for that.
var typed1 = new Typed('.typed', {
stringsElement: '.typed-strings',
loop: true,
typeSpeed: 50,
backSpeed: 20,
backDelay: 1700,
showCursor: false,
<div class="wrap">
<h1>TypedJS on multiple identical stringElements on the page</h1>
<div class="typed-strings">
<p>Ice cream</p>
<p>Moog synth</p>
<p>Holidays in space</p>
<span class="typed"></span>
<p> Some other stuff on the page goes on, until we uncounter the exact same typed strings, that I also want to animate (and tarket thanks to a class). To note that both of these similar blocks come from the database, I'm unable to duplicate them to change their class or id, I need them to be exactly the same, and both be animated. </p>
<div class="typed-strings">
<p>Ice cream</p>
<p>Moog synth</p>
<p>Holidays in space</p>
<span class="typed"></span> </div>
You can see that
is used in the load method oftypedjs
. So multiple elements cant be constructed. Try usingquerySelectorAll()
Working Demo