How to implement content track using piwik/matomo + angulartics2

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Technology Angular 6.0.9, Angular CLI: 6.0.8
Plugin angulartics2 ^6.2.0
Vendor plugin angulartics-piwik

I'm about to capture my page specific block content into piwik/matomo using angulartics2 but I can't figure out OR unable to do that.

I reviewed the plugin code from github So, I think that it seems like no support given by angulartics2 for block content kinds of stuff.

I also drill into matomo given introduction about How to Content Tracking and I'm now helpless. However, event tracking is working fine!

Can anybody tell me that I'm on wrong way OR How to accomplish that?

HTML Example:

<div data-track-content>
    <div [data-content-name]="">{{}}</div>
    <span [data-content-piece]="data.catalog">{{data.catalog}}</span>
    <span [data-content-target]="data.path"></span>
    Also tried below structure but it's not working too:
        <div data-content-name>{{}}</div>
        <span data-content-piece>{{data.catalog}}</span>
        <a href="" data-content-target>Buy Now</a>

Help would be much appreciated! Thank you!


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