How to implement a socket server?

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I am trying to implement a socket server in my supervision tree. I have added the following to the main supervisor:

supervisor(AcceptorSup, [Application.get_env(:appname, :port)])
supervisor(Task.Supervisor, [[name: ClientSupervisor]])

And here is the AcceptorSup module

defmodule AcceptorSup do
  use Supervisor
  require Logger

  def start_link(port) do
    Supervisor.start_link __MODULE__, [port: port], name: __MODULE__

  def init(args \\ []) do
    port = Keyword.get args, :port, 8000
    {:ok, socket} = :gen_tcp.listen port, active: false, reuseaddr: true, packet: :raw "Server started on port #{port}"

    children = [
      worker(Acceptor, [socket], function: :start)

    num_childs = Application.get_env :appname, :acceptors_num, 50
    for _ <- 1..num_childs do
      Task.start fn ->
        Supervisor.start_child AcceptorSup, []

    supervise(children, strategy: :simple_one_for_one, max_restarts: 1000, max_seconds: 10)

And here is the basic code of Acceptor

defmodule Acceptor do
  require Logger

  def start(socket) when is_port(socket) do
    Task.start_link fn -> serve_client(socket) end

  defp serve_client(socket) when is_port(socket) do
    {:ok, client} = :gen_tcp.accept socket "A client connected #{address client}"
    {:ok, pid} = Task.Supervisor.start_child ClientSupervisor, fn -> serve(client) end
    :ok = :gen_tcp.controlling_process client, pid
    Supervisor.start_child AcceptorSup, []

So, I start a Task.Supervisor to handle clients, and that works fine. I also start a supervisor, of type simple_one_for_one to handle listeners. Each child, waits for a connection, and when given, spawns a task for client in the task supervisor and starts another child instead of itself. The problem is that if the rate of clients connecting and disconnecting is high enough, the supervisor would crash, because it would reach values of max_restarts and max_seconds. I can increase the threshold by increasing values, but it just doesn't seem right to me. I am searching for a way to handle clients' connection and disconnection, and not hitting these limits.

How should one implement this, while also respecting the supervision tree? I don't want to use a custom process management, because I'm almost sure there is something I'm missing here. Anyway, Erlang/OTP was designed to handle such problems, right?


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