How to implement a real-time performance view for core image filter

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I would like to implement a real-time performance view for displaying core image filter output. Form the documentation of Apple, It seem that I should use a GPU based context for drawing.

There are some term I am confused. EAGLContext, CIContext, GLKView. What are these things? Also, should I use EAGLContext to create CGImage from CIImage and set it to UIImageView or using the GLKView. What are the difference of these two approaches?


There are 1 answers

Flex Monkey On BEST ANSWER

You can keep your image on the GPU by avoiding UIImageView and using the OpenGL view, GLKView. To get that working with CoreImage, you need to create a CIContext with a EAGL context:

let eaglContext = EAGLContext(API: .OpenGLES2)

lazy var ciContext: CIContext =
    [unowned self] in

    return CIContext(EAGLContext: self.eaglContext,
        options: [kCIContextWorkingColorSpace: NSNull()])

The context of your GLKView should be the same eaglContext, it also needs a delegate that conforms to GLKViewDelegate.

To display an image, invalidate the display with setNeedsDisplay(). This will call glkView(:drawInRect:) on the delegate and it's in here you use the Core Image context to draw the image to the GLKView:

        inRect: targetRect,
        fromRect: image.extent)

Where image is the CIImage to display.

If all that sounds like too much effort, I've done the work for you, check out my CoreImageHelpers repo.
