How to Identify Elements in Salesforce Lightning for Selenium

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I am trying to automate Salesforce lightning using Selenium, but getting issues with identifying elements. Reason, its having dynamic IDs , and other attributes are either very long , or they are not unique.

For eg ,

<a id="170:1968;a" class="textUnderline outputLookupLink slds-truncate forceOutputLookup" 
target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" 
title="" data-aura-rendered-by="170:1968;a" data-aura-class="forceOutputLookup"/>

In above code , ID is dynamic , Class is not unique, and all the Lookup elements are associated with it. Also the absolute path is not much trusted , and hence I am trying to find any concrete option to handle these elements. Any help will be highly appreciated.


There are 3 answers

Gaurav Thantry On

Here, you could try using the contains method if at least a part of the id attribute value is static. From your code, you could try

//a[contains(@id,"a")]/ //--extended xpath--

From the given html code, the 'a' in the id attribute of the a tag looks static, while the rest changes.

Deepak On

You can ask the developers to provide an id to the lightning component using aura:id Then the dynamic id won't be generated.

万明辉 On

You can try with field labels and fetch its parent node(s), and then fetching childs or brother nodes to locate related texts/text boxes etc.

Eg. You are in Account Edit/New page, and you want to fill in a value to the text box for Account Name field. So you can firstly try with //*[text()='Account Name']/parent::* to find an element that covers BOTH the field label and the text box.

And then you can check if the text box is a 'brother' or a 'child'. If it's a 'child' then try with //*[text()='Account Name']/parent::*(/parent::*)//*[attributes for the text box]; If it's 'brothers' then try with //*[text()='Account Name']/parent::*(/parent::*)/following-sibling::*[attributes for the text box]

You can use this logic to locate all type of fields in all standard lightning pages.