I want highlight the rulerformat in my .vimrc
I have
set ruler
set rulerformat=%55(%{strftime('%a\ %b\ %e\ %I:%M\ %p')}\ %5l,%-6(%c%V%)\ %P%)
I have subsequently tried all of the following:
hi rulerformat ctermbg=1
hi rulerformat ctermbg=red
hi Group1 ctermbg=red "if you modify the rulerformat slightly you can try to access group 1
I don't necessarily want it to be red, but I thought that would stand out the most; anyway, I just cannot get it to work, and I didn't really find anything online (a somewhat unintensive search yielded nothing much). So, how does one highlight the rulerformat?
-- edit --
I think I completely missed the point of your question.
What you seem to want is not a way to highlight the value of
in yourvimrc
(as your repeated emphasis on rulerformat, your title and your introductory sentence imply) but your actualruler
, at the bottom of the window.This is easy to achieve if you follow the instructions at
:help 'statusline'
:But you would already have a solution if you cared to read:
-- endedit --
The value of
is highlighted by default but not as a whole: each character is highlighted individually according to the rules defined in$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/vim.vim
.If you want to highlight the whole value with a single color, you will need to add your own rule to your