I am working on an excel online sheet which has a large number of rows. column A contains a date. I need to have a script that hides all the rows in which the value in column A (date) is less that 7 days ago.
This is the script I have:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
const mainDataSheet = workbook.getWorksheet("Main data");
var mainData = mainDataSheet.getUsedRange();
var mainDataLastRow = mainDataSheet.getUsedRange(true).getLastRow().getRowIndex();
let mainDataRangeValues = mainData.getValues(); // // Save the values locally to avoid repeatedly asking the workbook.
let today = new Date();
let lastWeek = new Date(today.getTime() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // Calculate one week ago
let r = 0
for (var i = 1; i < mainDataRangeValues.length; i++) { // Assuming the first row is for headers
var dateInColumnA = mainDataRangeValues[i][0]; // Assuming column A contains dates
if (dateInColumnA < lastWeek) {
r = r+1
This is the output error: Line 15: Worksheet getRange: The argument is invalid or missing or has an incorrect format.
This is the problem list: [12, 9] Operator '<' cannot be applied to types 'string | number | boolean' and 'Date'.
I have tried searching online for solutions but can only find ones which are VBA or googlescript.