How to have URI template with optional variable with path

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I am using site prism to create an page object that has a possible 2 urls. Site_prism uses Addressable::Template, and this uses the URI template RFC 6570.

The required page contains a list of elements, but can have none as well, and from this logic 2 possible URLs are defined.

If the page has no elements the URL is If the page has elements, it redirects selecting the first to

I am trying to create a url template for the page so that I can have one of two possible outputs.

case 1 : =>
case 2 : 1) =>

The solutions I have got so far are:
set_url '/foo{/id,path}' 1, path: 'bar')
This works for case 1 but not case 2 as it requires 2 variables.

set_url '/foo{/path*}' [1, 'path'])
Again this works for case 1 but not case 2.

What I need is a uri template that has a path appended to it but only if the variable is present. something like: /foo{/id,path("bar")}

A variable with a default value, or a path that is only present with a defined variable.

Thanks in advance.


There are 1 answers

Luke Hill On

SitePrism has had a lot of updated regarding the addressable templates, however you're posting after all of those have gone in.

Have you tried with the later versions of site_prism and addressable (Something after 2.12 for site_prism and 2.5 for addressable).

If not could you open a defect / feature request on Github, as this sounds like something we "should" support.