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I am trying to store the scripts of my composite github actions in the directory of action. let me explain by an example

  • Suppose I am in the myorg organization
  • I create a repository named actions
  • I create a directory named mydemo
  • I create a file mydemo/action.yaml
  • I create another file mydemo/

In mydemo/action.yaml I have:

name: "mydemo"
description: ""

  using: "composite"
    - name: echo hello world
      run: |
        source ${{ github.action_path }}/
      shell: bash

and in mydemo/ I have:

echo "Hello World"

Then I create a tag named v1

I also provide access in settings so that it can be used as a composite action

However I have an error

It tries to run source /apps/ghe-actions/_work/_actions/myorg/mydemo/v1/mydemo/

And I see this error

/apps/ghe-actions/_work/_actions/myorg/mydemo/v1/mydemo/ No such file or directory

How can I run the in this example?

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