I come from a C# environment, there we have INotifyPropertyChanged interface. When subscribed to this property changed event, one receives the sender, and the property name. The sender is the ViewModel in this example. I want to have something similar with KnockoutJS. I tried to subscribe and store the instance of the function to a hashtable which contains an object with ViewModel and PropertyName parameter. Because the new value in the observable isn't sufficient for what I want to use the event for.
How can I create code with KO that works in a similar fashion as C#'s INotifyPropertyChanged?
This is some crap I wrote to show you I've put in some effort. But I am failing here miserably.
var propertyChangedHashTable = new Hashtable();
function PropertyChanged(newValue) {
var changedEventParams = propertyChangedHashTable[this];
//gateway.propertyChanged(changedEventParams.viewModel, changedEventParams.propertyName, newValue);
function subscribePropertyChanged(viewModel, objectPath) {
if (typeof objectPath === "undefined" || objectPath == null) objectPath = "";
if (objectPath.length !== 0) objectPath += '.';
var observable = ko.observable("").toString();
for (var propertyName in viewModel) {
var viewModelName = viewModel.__proto__.constructor.name;
var localObjectPath = objectPath + viewModelName;
var property = viewModel[propertyName];
if (propertyName.indexOf("ViewModel") !== -1) {
subscribePropertyChanged(property, localObjectPath);
var isObservable = property.toString() === observable.toString();
if (!isObservable) continue;
var propertyChangedFunc = PropertyChanged;
propertyChangedHashTable.put(propertyChangedFunc, 'test');
function MainViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.isRecording = ko.observable(false);
self.dataDirectory = ko.observable("C:\\Temp\\Recordings");
self.toggleIsRecording = function() {
var viewModel = new MainViewModel();
From the knockout docs:
So if you supply the ViewModel as second argument "target" to
you can access it in the handler asthis
. For example: