In Salt Pillars I need to load the contents of a file into a Jinja variable. If the file doesn't exist Jinja throws an error (TemplateNotFound:...)
I have some folders (Company A, Company B, etc) in my Pillars that may or may not contain a file called Default.sls. If the file exists - it will be loaded into a variable. The problem arises when the file doesn't exist - in this case Jinja throws a TemplateNotFound exception. My Pillar folder looks something like this:
|-Company A
| |-Default.sls <-- This could be missing
| |-init.sls
| |-prod.sls
| |-test.sls
| |-etc...
|-Company B
| |-Default.sls <-- This could be missing
| |-init.sls
| |-prod.sls
| |-test.sls
| |-etc...
|-Company C
I have not found a good way to solve this. I have been using the following code (info: tpldir contains the name of the current foldername the sls file (in this case init.sls) is located in):
{{Company x}}/init.sls
{% from tpldir + '/default.sls' import companyDefaultX with context %}
companyDefault: {{ companyDefaultX | yaml }}
In order to check if the file exists - I have been using:
salt['file.file_exists']('/srv/pillar/' + tpldir + "/default.sls")
This works fine as long as file_roots defined in Salt master config is setup as default. We have now moved to using gitfs - now the above use of file.file_exists obviously does not work since the files no longer is located on the salt master in /srv/pillar/...!
The reason for the above code is that it is a way of making a Tiering between default- and companyDefault configurations. First default (Defalt.sls) is read, then {{Company X}}/Default.sls is merged into/onto default. Thirdly environment (prod.sls, test.sls, etc) is merged with the new default...
Bonus question: How can I loop over files in a folder without using:
salt['file.readdir']('/srv/pillar/' + tpldir)
As this is the same problem (/srv/pillar)...
I have found a solution to the above. Only way is to use include in combination with "ignore missing":
The customerDefaultX variable will now contain the content of the {{Company X}}/default.sls file OR None if it doesn't exist...
Original bonus question is still open though ;-)