I am trying to implement Google OAuth 2 with with redux saga.
I have a watcher in my saga listening for GOOGLE_AUTH
action which then executes googleLogin
function *watchGoogleAuth() {
yield *takeLatest(GOOGLE_AUTH, googleLogin)
function *googleLogin() {
const id_token = yield call(GoogleSignIn);
const response = yield call(HttpHelper, 'google_token', 'POST', id_token, null);
The implementation for GoogleSignIn
is in apis.js
export function GoogleSignIn() {
const GoogleAuth = window.gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
GoogleAuth.signIn({scope: 'profile email'})
(res) => {
const GoogleUser = GoogleAuth.currentUser.get();
return {
id_token: GoogleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token
(err) => {
But saga doesn't seem to wait for the GoogleSignIn
to complete. As soon as OAuth consent screen pops up, saga proceeds executing the console.log
without waiting for google signin promise to return actual data.
Is there any better way to handle this situation? Thanks!
To expand on @HenrikR's answer, the generator will not wait unless it receives a promise.
Accordingly, you should wrap the yield statement in a try/catch. Simplified and somewhat lazy: