How to handle errors on Meteor.wrapAsync?

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I have a meteor method where I am using the easy post api. Below is some asyncronous code which I expect to give an error from the EasyPost api (because it is an invalid address).

EasyPost = Easypost("<you don't get to see my api key>");
EasyPost.Address.create_and_verify(address, function (err, response) {

This gives me the following response, which is what I expect.

  message: {
    message: "Address Not Found",
    errors: []
  param: undefined

I want to try and make this syncronous, so I tried the following, but my meteor shell always logs [Object object]

> var createAndVerifySync = Meteor.wrapAsync(EasyPost.Address.create_and_verify, EasyPost.Address);
> createAndVerifySync(address);
[object Object]

I suspect this has to do with the error message from EasyPost returning as an object. How could I create a wrapper around the asyncronous methods of EasyPost with the inclusion of Meteor and futures?


There are 1 answers

Justin Hammond On

For future travelers, this was answered via this comments by @mwarren on this question.