I have created table from the below mentioned JSON which works fine. I have certain condition that needs to be handled. the function which i used is also mentioned here.I also attached output image for the same.Help for the same is highly appreciated... Thanks in advance
Conditions :
- if email row is empty need to remove that particular row.
- Let's say value2 has one value in email, in that case it should be displayed.
rows = [];
generateTable() {
if (!this.data) {
text: this.data.e_o_name,
rowspan: 0
let maxRowSpan = 0;
this.data.matching_details.forEach((detail, i) => {
const elemRowSpan = Math.max(detail.matching_attributes.length, 1);
maxRowSpan += elemRowSpan;
if (i > 0) {
this.rows[this.rows.length - 1].push({
text: detail.me_value,
rowspan: elemRowSpan
detail.matching_attributes.forEach((attr, j) => {
if (j > 0) {
const mail = attr.me_list[0];
this.rows[this.rows.length - 1].push(
text: attr.me_name,
rowspan: 1
text: mail.me_email_list.map(({ me_value }) => me_value).join(', '),
rowspan: 1
text: mail.me_percent,
rowspan: 1
this.rows[0][0].rowspan = maxRowSpan;
#Josn : #
"me_name":"28 sai",
"me_type":"Email ID",
"me_name":"29 meena",
"me_type":"Email ID",
"me_value":"[email protected]"
"me_value":",[email protected]"
"me_type":"Email ID",
"me_type":"Email ID",
"me_value":"[email protected]"
"me_value":",[email protected]"
Seems like you want to put in column (attr) level validations, so in the html while looping through it you will need to implement the checks