How to give path for external javascript file inside WEB-INF in JSP

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I am developing Spring web application. my application package structure is


It is Spring MVC & maven based project. I have to use the external javascript file in jsp file. if I use <script src="/scripts/MyFile.js"/> is not working as the resource is inside WEB-INF. I have tried so many ways but I could not find solution. So could you please tell me how to access external javascript file from JSP file.

Note: I cant change my Directory Structure as it is specification. And I should only use external javascript files.

So could you please provide solution. Thanks in adavnce.


There are 2 answers

Moritz Petersen On

You can configure (see: here):

<mvc:resources mapping="/scripts/**" location="/WEB-INF/scripts/" />

Then reference it like:

<script type="text/javascript" src="${context}/scripts/MyFile.js"></script>
Srikanth On

Here is the Some other way:


We have been using this in our projects. Working perfectly.