I am creating a scrollview, in which I placed some buttons, & as btns scrolls, I want their opacity to change, I am using flatList inside the scrollView for accessing data. Here is my code.
<ScrollView style={styles.btnScroll}>
ListFooterComponent={() => (
<View style={styles.bottomSpacing} />
keyExtractor={item => item.id}
& for renderbtns :
renderbtns = ({item}) => {
return (
<Text style={styles.BtnText}>{item.name}</Text>
I am displaying 5 buttons in scrollView at a time, & I want 1st & 5th btn to opacity 0.2, 2nd & 4th btn to opacity 0.5 & 3rd btn to opacity 1.
you can use index property and then check the index and make a condition