How to get wifi connected device list in alljoyn?

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I have use alljoyn for wifi share. I want device list connected to wifi network on channel base.

I have follow one demo but it not call implemented method announced

AboutListener is part of alljoyn.

import org.alljoyn.bus.AboutListener;

public class OnboardingApplication extends Application implements AboutListener {

        public void announced(String busName, int version, short port, AboutObjectDescription[] objectDescriptions, Map<String, Variant> aboutMap) {
            Map<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            try {
                newMap = TransportUtil.fromVariantMap(aboutMap);
                String deviceId = (newMap.get(AboutKeys.ABOUT_APP_ID).toString());
                String deviceFriendlyName = (String) newMap.get(AboutKeys.ABOUT_DEVICE_NAME);
                m_logger.debug(TAG, "onAnnouncement received: with parameters: busName:" + busName + ", port:" + port + ", deviceid" + deviceId + ", deviceName:" + deviceFriendlyName);
                addDevice(deviceId, busName, port, deviceFriendlyName, objectDescriptions, newMap);

            } catch (BusException e) {


There are 2 answers

LopesFigueiredo On BEST ANSWER

In order to get the announced method called you'll need to register your AboutListener:


//Bus Connection
Status status = mBus.connect();

//Check if connection is established
if (status != Status.OK) {

//Setup Bus Attachment
mBus.setDebugLevel("ALLJOYN_JAVA", 7);

//Start AboutData Listener
status = mBus.whoImplements(null);

if (status != Status.OK) {
    Log.e(TAG, "whoImplements Error");
} else {
    Log.w(TAG, "whoImplements Success");

mListener is your object that implements AboutListener.

When you call whoImplements(null) you are saying you want all announcements from all interfaces.

P. Sigurdson On

In addition to what LopesFigueiredo said, try creating your BusAttachment with a remote message policy of Receive. For example:

BusAttachment mBus = new BusAttachment("My Attachment", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive);