how to get which point (x,y) contributes to which cells (Rho,Theta) in accumulator array of hough transform in matlab

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I have a binary image which contains only some points. I have applied "hough" method of Matlab on that image and got an accumulator array. Now i have selected the maximum value of the cell (rho, theta) of accumulator array.

Suppose the max value is 15 which is contained by cell (0.5,30). From my understanding it means that 15 curved lines has gone through (0.5,30) space and that why it's vote count is 15.

These curved lines also have gone through others (rho, theta) space and also voted there.

My problems are these

  1. Which 15 points contribute to the (0.5,30) space in the accumulator array?
  2. If any point (x,y) is a voter of (0.5,30) space, at which (rho, theta) space, (x,y) has also voted?

How could i know these question's answers in Matlab? Codes will be very helpful.

Any concept or algorithm will be also helpful.


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