How to get user-independent Library path for Mac OS X?

531 views Asked by At

Using XE6, the Embarcadero documentation here states that TPath::GetLibraryPath () "Returns the path to a directory to store any data that your application needs store, regardless of the user".

Yet, in the Sample Path table, they list OS X's for this function as


which seems user-specific. The first question is whether this is, in fact, the correct folder to use to store data regardless of the user. The second question is - if not - how to get the folder to the user-non-specific Library in OS X?


There are 1 answers

Sebastian Z On BEST ANSWER

I use something like this for retrieving this folder.

  Macapi.Foundation, Macapi.Helpers;

  ENSFileManagerException = class(Exception);

function GetFolder_ProgramData: string;
  FileManager: NSFileManager;
  ID: Cardinal;
  Domain: Cardinal;
  Url: NSURL;
  Bundle: NSBundle;
  ID := NSApplicationSupportDirectory; // ProgramData on Windows
  Domain := NSLocalDomainMask;

  FileManager := TNSFileManager.Wrap(TNSFileManager.OCClass.defaultManager);
  Url := FileManager.URLForDirectory(ID, Domain, nil, False, nil);
  if URL <> nil then
    Result := NSStrToStr(Url.path)
    raise ENSFileManagerException.CreateFmt('Could not retrieve folder for ID %d', [ID]); //Error.localizedDescription.UTF8String);