how to get to know my payment providers name while calling google pay API?

181 views Asked by At

How to get to know my payment providers name while calling google pay API ?
I am referring below code.

private fun gatewayTokenizationSpecification(): JSONObject {
    return JSONObject().apply {
        put("type", "PAYMENT_GATEWAY")
        put("parameters", JSONObject(mapOf(
                "gateway" to "example",   // HOW TO GET this value
                "gatewayMerchantId" to "exampleGatewayMerchantId")))

HOW to get gateway value ?


There are 1 answers

Soc On

The Request a payment token for your payment provider section on the tutorial page includes a list of supported payment gateways. There's a text field that you can use to search for your payment provider which will show you the required fields.