I am currently working with IBM BPM 7.5. I am unable to get the user's fullname by using the tw.system.org. How to get the user full name in BPM 7.5 by using tw.system.org?
How to get the user full name in BPM 7.5 by using tw.system.org?
2.2k views Asked by Laxminarayan Alas At
There are 3 answers

For the full name in IBM BPM (and WLE), you need a few fixes for BPM and Websphere. Specifically on the WAS version you are on (WAS v7).
See this reference for details: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21570176
Essentially, you need these WAS fixes: PM37925
and PM18594
which are in WAS and later.
You will also need to adjust the wimconfig.xml
as noted in the referenced link.
In later versions (8.0.1) take a look at this IBM dwAnswer article titled "LDAP User Full Name Sync" and for 8.5.x "Incorrect displaying of users full name"
If you are using Process Designer , write in scripts for test
Define for example private variable FullName.