I want to know how to get the longest path in a DAG starting from the node 0(the smallest node)
I searched wiki and got the following algorithm:
algorithm dag-longest-path is
Directed acyclic graph G
Length of the longest path
length_to = array with |V(G)| elements of type int with default value 0
for each vertex v in topOrder(G) do
for each edge (v, w) in E(G) do
if length_to[w] <= length_to[v] + weight(G,(v,w)) then
length_to[w] = length_to[v] + weight(G, (v,w))
return max(length_to[v] for v in V(G))
but I don't know how to implement it, of course the following code I wrote doesn't work:(topo is the topological sorted nodes)
public static int longestPath(int[] topo){
int[] dist = new int[topo.length];
for(int i:topo){
dist[i] = dist[node] + 1;
return getMax(dist);
How should I do? Thanks!
Besides, could you give me an algorithm to calculate the number of different paths from 0 to n-1?