I have read How do you get group name of the executing role in ansible
I also read https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/special_variables.html
but I can't understand it.
If the same host IP in different host_groups, I think: "ansible is separated execute when executing the host, it should belong to only one group_name, not group_names".
How can I get current executing host gorup_name, not group_names?
you can write one host in several groups.
In my opinion, Getting the 'group_name' of executing host make no sense
Whatever you using ad-hoc(playbook), you must declare which group of hosts you want to execute command(role),
group must be written in your ansible command(role) even if you want to execute on all hosts.So when the command(role) are running, you have already know which group is running now.
Even if you run command(role) on two groups which have the same hosts, why do you want to know the host is from which group.
1.Like my origin reply, you can define many groups include the same host.
For instance, this is the inventory file
And Using this judging condition in tasks.
2.And you also can add tags for the specific tasks.
For instance
Running ansible-playbook commond with