I have such curve as d="m 8.6934523,43.845239 c 0,0 -3.0238096,-6.236608 -3.2127975,-11.90625 C 5.2916666,26.269345 6.047619,17.197916 10.961309,13.418155 15.875,9.6383926 20.032738,8.315476 28.537201,9.0714284"
And it is needed to split the curve in the place, where the segment with absolute coordinates starts ("C 5.2916666,26.26.9345 ...."). I have to represent that segment as another curve in the view "m x,y C 5.2916666,26.26.9345 .... ". Solution as "m 0,0 C 5.2916666,26.26.9345 .... " is not suitable in this case :( And a start point as the last control point of the previous segment is not working (I believe it's because of switching to absolute coordinates).
Should I somehow calculate the start point from the previous segment? Or is there corresponding literature (in the documentation there is no data, except that such curves called polybezier)?
first you will need to change the d attribute to all absolute coordinates (all uppercase). For this I'm using this converter: https://codepen.io/leaverou/pen/RmwzKv
Next, in order to split it by the point you need you need to use the last 2 values from the previous command for the move to command of the new curve