How to get Push Notification working for ios using Gimbal Manager portal? I have done all necessary steps from Docs. Still No luck

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As per the Gimbal Dev Documentation I have followed all necessary steps for APNS support.

Done with creating App Id, APNS Certificate, Provision Profile & all.

Also added Push Notification Certificate generated to Gimbal Manager Gimbal Manager

Also Created valid Place & GeoFence entries. Please note that I am getting Reading when Beacon is near & also when enter/exit Geo Fence with all attributes but only when App is Running. Please note that I am also able to get deviceToken for my device & also calling Gimbal Method to set Push Notification Token

[Gimbal setPushDeviceToken:deviceToken];

My Question is What is actual work around to Fire / Receive Push Notification? Am i missing something? Want to have push notification when beacon is detected or entered/left GeoFence. Any help appreciated.


There are 1 answers

Niraj On

I have got satisfactory answer from Gimbal Manager.

Thanks for your question.

Developers can trigger notification when a user enter in a place(based on Geofence or Beacons or Both) using "place based communication". Place based communications gets delivered whenever there is a Place Event (arrival or departure).

Place based communications doesn't need PUSH certificate.

Developers can set up Communication for newly created place(beacon) by navigating to "Communicate" tab --> New Communication --> Communication. You can setup Communication for all places or specific place and when an app is in proximity of this place, a notification will be received.

Instant communication can be sent to all app users OR user who are "IN" place(All or specific places). Instant communications are not triggered when user enters a place.

Please let us know if you have any queries.

Thanks Ismail