How to get properties of a type inside an object

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I have this code. I receive several lists as parameters that I insert into a list of objects.

public static void SaveTransactionsToSeparateFiles(List<Receivables> genRecList, 
    List<Dilution> genDilList, List<Accountable> genAccList, string excelFile, 
    string typeReport, List<Outstanding> genOutList = null)
    List<object> listObj = new List<object> 

Then I have a foreach where I run through all the lists in List(object) listObj, turns them into datatables and adds the content of each lists in each datatable.

foreach (var obj in listObj)
    DataTable genTable = HelperMethods.ConvertListToDataTable(obj, true);
    Worksheet pantaReiWorkSheet = pantaReiWorkSheets[sheet.SheetName];

    int iRow = 0;
    foreach (DataRow row in genTable.Rows)

        int iCol = 0;
        foreach (DataColumn col in genTable.Columns)
            pantaReiWorkSheet.Cells[iRow + 1, iCol] = row[col.ColumnName];


Then I have the convert to datatable method.

public static DataTable ConvertListToDataTable(object genList, bool toExcel)
    DataTable genDt = new DataTable();
    PropertyInfo[] p =  p.genList.GetType().GetProperties();

    for (int prop = 1; prop < p.Length - 2; prop++)
        genDt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(p[prop].Name, p[prop].PropertyType));

    foreach (object t in (IEnumerable<object>)genList)
        DataRow genDR = genDt.NewRow();

        for (int prop = 1; prop <  p.Length - 2; prop++)
            genDR[p[prop].Name] = p[prop].GetValue(t, null);


    return genDt;

The thing is, I'm not geting the properties of each list inside the List listObj. So, how can I access the List<Receivables> genRecList, List<Dilution> genDilList, List<Accountable> genAccList, List<Outstanding> genOutList properties??

I had this done before, but with List(T) and one list at a time and it worked. Now it's a mess.


There are 2 answers

cuongle On BEST ANSWER

If you want to get Type of class T in List<T>:

var list = new List<T>();
var typeT = list.GetType().GenericTypeArguments.First();

So your code should be changed:

PropertyInfo[] p =  genList.GetType().GenericTypeArguments
Gert Arnold On

It seems to me that you make it harder on yourself than necessary. You start with lists of which you know the types. Then you throw them in a nondescript pile of lists, the type information gets buried and you give yourself a hard time digging it up again.

How to fix this?

Basically, you do two things in one: create DataTables and write them to Excel. It would help to separate these concerns. What about this:

  • create a method DataTable ConvertListToDataTable<T>(List<T>) and use the generic type parameter T to get PropertyInfo's
  • invoke this method for each list separately and put the data tables in a list.
  • then do something like SaveDataTablesToSeparateFiles(List<DataTable> tables, string excelFile, string typeReport)