When registering an object in the server by
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(Interfaces.client), Singleton", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton); //in the server
then retrieving it in the client by
Interfaces.client mgr = (Interfaces.client)(Activator.GetObject(typeof(Interfaces.client), "tcp://localhost:1234/Singleton")); //in the client
so that the object can be accessed from the client and we can see modifications in the server side, this is already done. My specific problem is: where can I find object's reference in server after it's created? (in singleton or singlecall mode), I know there would be several instances, if it's singlecall mode, even though, I assume that instances are stored by some Naming service macanism, or directly in some list in memory. please forgive my weak English
You will need to create the object separately then marshal it instead of using RegisterWellKnownServiceType:
Foo foo = new Foo();
RemotingServices.Marshal(foo, "Singleton");
So client changes will be reflected on the server side in the foo object.