I want to find the non-heap memory code cache details of a remote JVM (JDK 8) running on windows from my windows machine. I can get the details using jconsole. But, what i need is to get the values using jstat command. GUI monitoring tools doesn't serves my purpose. Thanks
How to get non-heap "code cache" details using jstat
2k views Asked by VISHNU At
There are 2 answers

Use jstat arg and pid of java process e.g. for pid 616
jstat -compiler 616
Compiled Failed Invalid Time FailedType FailedMethod
7979 5 0 121.28 1 weblogic/xml/babel/baseparser/BaseParser parseSome
jstat -printcompilation 616
Compiled Size Type Method
7979 331 1 weblogic/servlet/internal/CompleteMessageTimeoutTrigger timerExpired
jconsole Memory tab and select Code Cache in drop down shows the current Code Cache Size
To get your JVM defaults (find on windows or grep on unix):
java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | find "CodeCache"
uintx CodeCacheExpansionSize = 65536 {pd product}
uintx CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace = 512000 {product}
uintx InitialCodeCacheSize = 2555904 {pd product}
bool PrintCodeCache = false {product}
bool PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation = false {product}
uintx ReservedCodeCacheSize = 251658240 {pd product}
bool UseCodeCacheFlushing = true {product}
code cache get filled up with interpreter, compiled, runtime stub codes.
the key user of codecache is compiled code. you can get compiled code stats using jstat. this will give decent info on code cache use.