How to get list of objects accessible to a project?

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I'm trying to figure out how to access a list of objects available in the Delphi IDE (ie., from different namespaces) from within a component editor. (Also from the same editor form running independently.) LiveBindings do it, and there's a video where they say you have to have a unit listed in a uses clause in order for the LiveBinding editor to see the classes defined inside that unit. But it does not have to be a form.

I can access forms through the Application.components array, but that only gives me access to the TForm objects. Any classes defined in the same units with the form aren't visible, nor are classes defined in any units that are not forms.

Someone suggested the answer lies buried somewhere in the Open Tools API.

I thought there might be someone here who could shed a bit more light on the subject.

BTW, I'm using DXE5, but anything from version XE and up is probably the same.

NOTE: I did find a property somewhere that lists every single class and record defined in the entire freaking ecosystem. There are hundreds of them! That's not much help. Still looking.


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