My application now supports 64-Bit only and I need to get all the ODBC or Access DataSouces present on the machine or newly created one.
Below code was implemented for fetching the List in 32-bit but now it is crashing on calling the SQLAllocEnv
private static extern int SQLDataSources(
int EnvHandle, int Direction, StringBuilder ServerName,
int ServerNameBufferLenIn, ref int ServerNameBufferLenOut,
StringBuilder Driver, int DriverBufferLenIn, ref int DriverBufferLenOut);
private static extern int SQLAllocEnv(ref int EnvHandle);
private static extern int SQLFreeEnv(int EnvHandle);
So, Do anyone know how to resolve this ?
In some post I found that changing the
dataType tolong
will work and Yes, it is working in my case also.