How to get kubernetes service account access token using fabric8 java client?

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I have configured minikube in my local machine and going to use kubernetes externally. I have created a Service Account in kubernetes and using it's secret I can get the access token using below command.

kubectl get secret <service-account-secret> -o yaml -n mynamespace

My question is how can I do this using fabric8 java client in runtime ? What I want is to obtain the access token by giving the secret of the Service account as a parameter.

I am initiating the config as bellow.

Config config = new ConfigBuilder().withMasterUrl(masterURL)

Can I know how to get the serviceAccountAccessToken as described above using fabric8 java client ?


There are 4 answers

mdaniel On

From within a Pod, the service account token is volume-mounted as /var/run/secrets/ as seen here. The fact that the path is hard-coded in (at least v2.6.2 of) the fabric8 Client leads me to believe that perhaps if one merely omits the withOauthToken() call that the Client may Just Work™

It's slightly unclear whether the code snippet you provided is expected to run outside of the cluster, but if so then you have a small chicken-and-egg problem of providing auth to the API so you can acquire the Secret

iocanel On

The client already does that for you.

If you just create an empty Config object:

Config config = new ConfigBuilder().build();

or create the client, like:

KubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient();

from within a pod, it will automatically read the token for you.

If you need to pass it elsewhere, you can just:

String token = config.getOauthToken();


String token = client.getConfiguration().getOauthToken();
Piotr On
Config config = new ConfigBuilder().withMasterUrl(externalTunnelUrl).withOauthToken(managementTokenProvider.getManagementToken(clusterName)).withUsername("management-token").build();

Just had the same need. OauthToken is maybe not the obvious name, but works.

Note that I do not specify client cert file there.

dharmalingam lingam On

Create a service account with below yaml definition

Step 1: create api-manager.yaml with below content

kind: Role apiVersion: metadata: name: api-manager namespace: default rules:

  • apiGroups: ["batch", "extensions"] resources: ["jobs","cronjob"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]

kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: metadata: name: udefreadonlybinding namespace: default subjects:

  • kind: ServiceAccount name: api-manager namespace: default roleRef: kind: Role name: job-creator apiGroup:

Step 2: kubectl create -f api-manager.yaml

Step 3: Edit your pod dp file and map the service account Then map this service account to the pod which internally map the service account inside the container ( path :/var/run/secrets/

Step 4: In java code io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.DefaultKubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient(); System.out.println("client"+client.getNamespace());